Scandal Universal Cuffs Black
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Do you crave a night where your lover takes full control of your body, where they use your body to fulfill their every desire or hold your arms above your head and tease you until you’re beginning for release? If so, the Scandal Universal Cuffs will take you there. These soft and plushy cuffs are covered in high-quality brocade fabric for a truly luxurious bondage experience. The cuffs are totally adjustable and come complete with Velcro style closures that can be used on wrists and ankles. Fasten them as loosely or as firmly as you desire. The universal clasps and nickel-free iron rings allow for endless creativity. Clasp the cuffs to each other and strain against their hold as your lover pleases you. Clamp them to the bed posts and embrace the bliss of totally relinquished control over your pleasure. Use two sets and let your lover render you totally helpless as they clasp your arms to your ankles and have their way with you. These are perfect for beginners and seasoned bondage lovers alike. Incorporate other toys and teases or keep things simple and experiment with being in total control for the first time. Whatever your tastes, take your fantasies to the next level. Colour: Black
Packing dimension: 26 x 3.7 x 11.5 cm
Material: -
Total length: 35.3 cm
Insertable length: -
Diameter: -
Vibrating: -
Speed modes: -
Vibration modes: -
Wireless: -
Water resistance: -
Rechargeable: -
Required batteries: -
Battery quantity: 0
Packing dimension: 26 x 3.7 x 11.5 cm
Material: -
Total length: 35.3 cm
Insertable length: -
Diameter: -
Vibrating: -
Speed modes: -
Vibration modes: -
Wireless: -
Water resistance: -
Rechargeable: -
Required batteries: -
Battery quantity: 0